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This site is published, designed, developed and hosted by Diatem, a limited liability company with a capital of €200,000, whose head office is located at 2 rue de Dublin - Espace Européen de l'Entreprise - 67300 Schiltigheim, registered in the Strasbourg Trade and Companies Register under number 2002 B 1091, SIRET code 443 355 987 00043, code NAF 722C.
Presentation of the site
The purpose of this site is to provide you with information about the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré and links to various websites.
Respect for property rights and trademarks
All the elements that you see, hear or read on the site as well as the site itself are protected by copyright law. You may not use, distribute, copy, reproduce, modify, distort or transmit the site or elements of the site, such as texts, images or sounds without the prior written authorization of the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré and the Institut Henri Poincaré. The trademarks and logos appearing on the site are the property of the Endowment Fund of the Henri Poincaré Institute or are subject to an authorization of use. No right or license can be attributed on one of these elements without the written authorization of the Endowment Fund of the Henri Poincaré Institute or of the third party, holder of the rights on the brand or logo appearing on the site. The Endowment Fund of the Henri Poincaré Institute reserves the right to prosecute any act of infringement of its intellectual property rights, including in the context of criminal proceedings.
Respect of the images
The images or photographs of persons or places appearing on the site are the property of the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré or of the Institut Henri Poincaré and/or are used by the Institut Henri Poincaré with the agreement of the rights holders. The use of these images or photographs is prohibited without specific and express authorization from the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré. Any unauthorized use may result in a violation of copyright, image rights, personal rights or any other regulations applicable to communications or advertising.
General Warning
The Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré shall not be liable for any damages that may result from access to or use of the site, including any deterioration or virus that may infect your computer equipment or any other property. Although the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré makes reasonable efforts to update the accurate information published on the site, the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.
Exclusion of liability and indemnification
The Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré or any other party involved in connection with the site shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or other damages arising out of access to or use of the site or the information contained therein. You will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Fonds de dotation de l'Institut Henri Poincaré and its affiliates, as well as its directors, officers, employees, agents, licensors or anyone else involved in creating, producing and distributing the Site, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, costs and expenses arising out of or in connection with your violation of these Terms of Use.
Personal information
By personal information, we mean "information that allows, in any form whatsoever, directly or not, the identification of individuals to whom it applies" (Extract from Article 4 of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978).
It is for example :
a name,
a postal address,
a telephone number,
an e-mail address.
The technique that allows the automatic configuration of the site at the time of your connection and the preselection of information is that of cookies.
This means that the configuration of the site is linked to your computer and that all the people using your computer have a site configured in the same way.
Use of your personal data - Communication to third parties
By using this site, you consent to the use by our site of personal data concerning you, which you have communicated or which are collected via the operation of the site. This data is necessary to send you newsletters and to allow you to benefit from certain services offered by this site.
In accordance with the law of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, rectify or oppose the personal data collected about you. These rights can be exercised by sending us an email at or by mail addressed to Fonds de dotation de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75231 Paris Cedex 05. We would like to point out that we automatically collect information via the operation of the site, particularly concerning the pages of the site that interest you the most, in order to establish analyses and statistics based on this information in order to better understand your wishes and your interests. We will thus be able to send you targeted information according to your centers of interest, subject to the following. We may use cookies for this purpose. We may communicate, with the exception of your e-mail address, the personal data thus collected to any third party of our choice, such as our service providers or suppliers who contribute to the provision of the services offered. The communication of this information to these suppliers and providers may be necessary for the performance of the services. You may expressly object to the communication of your data to third parties, by e-mail and/or by letter addressed to the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
75231 Paris Cedex 05.
By providing us with your e-mail address, the Henri Poincaré Institute Endowment Fund website reserves the right to send you digital newsletters and any information concerning our products and services. If you do not wish to receive such messages, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link provided for this purpose in the footer of each newsletter.In addition, we may pass on your e-mail address to third parties who may send you unsolicited messages by e-mail that may be of interest to you. At any time you can contact us by e-mail to ask us to stop communicating your e-mail address. In accordance with French law, this information may be disclosed by the Institut Henri Poincaré to any individual, legal entity or administrative entity that may request it. Finally, the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré creates from the user data (nominative information or not) statistical analyses for its own needs. The data resulting from these analyses being aggregated and therefore totally anonymous, the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré may eventually transfer or sell them to third parties.
Subscription to the newsletter of the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré
Thus, through the website, you can subscribe to the newsletter of the website of the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré. This newsletter is intended to inform you about the services and new products of the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré. You can unsubscribe to the newsletter at any time by clicking on "Unsubscribe" or any other similar indication. The conditions of use of your personal data will be those of the site concerned. Therefore, we kindly ask you to take note of these conditions on the site concerned.
What are Cookies?
Cookies" are files sent by a site manager to the user's hard drive, allowing the manager to identify and remember the user when he or she connects to the site.
The Endowment Fund of the Henri Poincaré Institute may use the "cookies" system to collect information when you visit our site. This will allow us to know which parts of our site interest you. The Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré will then be able to better understand your interests and display information adapted to your needs. These "cookies" will also save you from having to provide information that you have already communicated to us each time, as they will remember that you have communicated this information to us at an earlier date. You can detect the existence of these "cookies" at any time and, if necessary, delete them.
External Links
The Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré proposes links from its site to other affiliated and non-affiliated sites. These sites are independent of the site. The Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré does not edit or control these sites. The links to any sites do not constitute, in any case, an approval or a partnership between the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré and these sites. Therefore, the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré cannot be held responsible for their content, their products, their advertising or any element or service presented on these sites. We remind you that affiliated or non-affiliated sites are subject to their own terms of use and privacy policies.
Applicable Law
This site is subject to French law.
How to contact us if you have any questions about this charter?
As this charter is intended to protect your privacy, we would be grateful if you would let us know your wishes and comments.
If you feel that your data was not processed according to your wishes when you visited this site, please let us know. We will reply as soon as possible.
If in the future you do not wish to be contacted following a visit to the Institut Henri Poincaré website, please write to the Fonds de dotation de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75231 Paris Cedex 05 or by e-mail to . If you wish to verify, correct or update any personal information you have provided, please write to us. The Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré will do its best to meet your expectations.
Modification of the conditions
The Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré reserves the right to modify or, more generally, to update the present general conditions at any time and without prior notice. We therefore invite you to consult them regularly.
Last modified on 06/06/2019.