
According to its statutes, the IHP Endowment Fund is administered by a Board of Directors composed of three colleges:
The college of founders, comprising three members, one designated by the CNRS, one by Sorbonne University (formerly UPMC) and one by the founding learned societies (SMF, SMAI, SFdS).
The college of partners including one member designated by the Club des entreprises mécènes (Corporate Patrons Club).
The college of qualified personalities comprising four members including IHP director and three qualified personalities outside the founders.
Current composition of the Board
For the college of Founders:
Christophe Besse, mathematician, director of the INSMI (Institut National des Sciences Mathématiques et de leurs interactions), appointed by the CNRS.
Pierre-Marie Chauvin, senior lecturer, vice-president of art, science and society, appointed by Sorbonne University.
Grégoire Allaire, mathematician, professor at the École Polytechnique, appointed by the learned societies.
For the college of partners :
Vincent Lefieux, executive at RTE, representing the Club des entreprises mécènes, (Corporate Patrons' Club), President of the Endowment Fund.
For the college of qualified personalities :
Sylvie Benzoni: mathematician, university professor, IHP director.
Pierre Emmanuel Juillard: philantrepreneur, CEO of AXA IM Chorus.
Isabelle Hilali : entrepreneur, CEO of Datacraft.
Clotilde Fermanian : mathematician, university professor and president of the Mathematical Culture Committee of IHP.
Claude Aulagnon : entrepreneur, Wagram 85.
Cédric Villani: mathematician, university professor, former director of IHP and honorary president of the Endowment Fund.
Operational Team:
Brigitte Zana : Executive Director in charge of development
Théo Lelieur : Fundraising and communication manager