
According to its statutes, the IHP Endowment Fund is administered by a Board of Directors composed of three colleges:

  • The college of founders, comprising three members, one designated by the CNRS, one by Sorbonne University (formerly UPMC) and one by the founding learned societies (SMF, SMAI, SFdS).

  • The college of partners including one member designated by the Club des entreprises mécènes (Corporate Patrons Club).

  • The college of qualified personalities comprising four members including IHP director and three qualified personalities outside the founders.

Current composition of the Board

For the college of Founders:

  • Christophe Besse, mathematician, director of the INSMI (Institut National des Sciences Mathématiques et de leurs interactions), appointed by the CNRS.

  • Pierre-Marie Chauvin, senior lecturer, vice-president of art, science and society, appointed by Sorbonne University. 

  • Grégoire Allaire, mathematician, professor at the École Polytechnique, appointed by the learned societies.


For the college of partners :

  • Vincent Lefieux, executive at RTE, representing the Club des entreprises mécènes, (Corporate Patrons' Club), President of the Endowment Fund.


For the college of qualified personalities :

  • Sylvie Benzoni: mathematician, university professor, IHP director.

  • Pierre Emmanuel Juillard: philantrepreneur, CEO of AXA IM Chorus.

  • Isabelle Hilali : entrepreneur, CEO of Datacraft.

  • Clotilde Fermanian : mathematician, university professor and president of the Mathematical Culture Committee of IHP. 

  • Claude Aulagnon : entrepreneur, Wagram 85.

  • Cédric Villani: mathematician, university professor, former director of IHP and honorary president of the Endowment Fund.


Operational Team:

  • Brigitte Zana : Executive Director in charge of development

  • Théo Lelieur : Fundraising and communication manager