Become a builder of the Maison Poincaré !

For its new fundraising campaign, the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré invites you to participate, step by step, in the creation of a unique museum space in France dedicated to mathematical sciences: the Maison Poincaré.


The objective of this ambitious and innovative project is to put mathematics back at the heart of society, by promoting exchanges between researchers and the general public in a new way. Through interactive exhibitions and animations, the Maison Poincaré will propose educational contents adapted to a non-specialist public within an educational space accessible to all.


Between now and its inauguration in the fall of 2022, we are appealing to the generosity of as many people as possible. A first campaign on the Commeon platform, divided into four founding chapters, allowed us to address some of the major axes of the Maison Poincaré.

  • the first chapter dedicated to mediation devices for "Approaching mathematics differently",
  • Chapter 2 dedicated to "Women and men who do research in mathematics",
  • Chapter 3, dedicated to the relationship between "Art and Science" introduced us to the Rulpidon, emblem of the Maison Poincaré.
  • Chapter 4, on the collective dimension of mathematical work of which the blackboard is the symbol

A big thank you to all the donors who contributed to the success of this campaign on the Commeon platform.

But the campaign doesn't stop there! Find the new campaign page for the Poincaré House. 

This project will not be possible without you!

You too can become a builder of the Maison Poincaré, that will be yours !