"Math serves to develop one's discernment."

Élodie Cheyrou, Head of the Maison Poincaré at the Institut Henri Poincaré, presents this new museum of mathematics that will open its doors in early 2023!


In an interview conducted by Comfluence, Élodie Cheyrou, the new "defender of maths", highlights the links between science and society, and underlines the role that the Maison Poincaré can play in dispelling the fears associated with this discipline and in increasing the mathematical and scientific culture of all people!




The Institut Henri Poincaré's extension project, for which the first stone was laid at the end of 2018, has been taking shape strongly in recent months.


The former physical chemistry laboratory of Jean Perrin (founder of the CNRS), a building built between 1922 and 1926 and made available to the IHP by Sorbonne University, is being renovated to accommodate 1100m² of space dedicated to scientific activities (new offices and workspaces), as well as 900m² for the Maison Poincaré, an exhibition and exchange space open to all audiences around mathematics and its interactions, particularly with our daily lives.