

In 2018 and 2022

Created in 1951, CASDEN, a cooperative bank historically dedicated to the personnel of the French National Education, Research, Culture and Higher Education, has opened since 1995 its scope of eligibility to the entire civil service and now counts 1.6 million members. As a partner of many higher education institutions, such as the French Universities, the CNRS, the CEA, the INSERM or the CNES, CASDEN supports the actors who contribute to the development of scientific culture. The CASDEN is aware of the global investment necessary to the success of the objectives set by the IHP and its partners and has decided to bring its financial support to the action led by the Endowment Fund of the Institut Henri Poincaré. Given their common interests, CASDEN and the Endowment Fund have signed a partnership agreement to promote the IHP's actions in the field of scientific culture, particularly for teachers and schoolchildren, for the period 2018-2021. For the 2018-2019 academic year, the partnership concerns the exhibition Beneath the Surface, Maths, produced by the IHP, at Arts et Métiers, in tribute to the great mathematician Gaston Darboux.


The company's website