
In the context of the opening of the Maison Poincaré in 2023, the IHP Endowment Fund has launched several participative financing campaigns (crowdfuding). These campaigns, open to all, aim to promote the projects carried out by the Institut Henri Poincaré, particularly in the context of the diversification of its activities and its extension project. The objective is to mobilize a public different from the "users" of IHP in order to increase its notoriety and to involve in these projects, new publics not specialized in mathematics and sciences.
The campaigns are either of short duration (6 to 8 weeks) in order to raise funds for a specific project (restoration of mathematical models, realization of a documentary or an element of exhibition...) or an annual program taking place over a year or more which allows to support the structure as a whole.
For each crowdfunding campaign, a recognition program offers "rewards" in exchange for donations. An emotional bond is created with the contributors who enlarge the community federated by social networks.
This community is the foundation of the Cercle des Amis of IHP and The Maison Poincaré (Maison Poincaré's Friends Circle), which is currently being created.
Find below the different projects realized and the annual campaign in progress, The Maison Poincaré : math in a new light.
Take a seat to support a math museum for everyone !
To give everyone access to scientific and mathematical culture, take a seat !

The Maison Poincaré: math in a new light !
By 2023, the Institut Henri Poincaré will evolve to share the taste for science and the pleasure…

Math mon modèle
A success for the launch of the first fundraising campaign of the IHP "Math mon modèle" intended…

Mystérieux modèles de Man Ray, the film
The Institut Henri Poincaré has produced a documentary on the amazing encounter between Man Ray…

De l'autre coté du miroir
Holo-Math is a mixed reality experience that offers participants an immersion in the scientific…
The partners of the Institut Henri Poincaré

The Endowment Fund in a few words...
It has the capacity to receive funds exclusively from the private sector from individuals or legal entities whose passions are in line with those of the Institut Henri Poincaré.
The Fund's Board of Directors was chaired by Cédric Villani from its inception until March 7, 2019, when Sylvie Benzoni took over as interim Chair. Vincent Lefieux, representing the Cercle des entreprises partenaires de l'IHP on the Board of Directors, was elected President on May 29, 2019.
Through the Endowment Fund, companies and individuals can support the projects carried out by IHP by making financial, in-kind or skill-based contributions.
The founding organizations of the Fund : CNRS, Sorbonne University (formerly UPMC), and three learned societies in mathematics - the Société Mathématique de France (SMF), the SMAI (Société des Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles), the SFdS (Société Française de Statistiques).